Interactive TV entertainment, like in the future! I'm sure I've read about this as a kid in some book. Netflix's Black Mirror special episode Bandersnatch was really interesting as a technical experiment and worked great as a story and an evening's amusement.

What's it about? Free will, branching universe, computer game industry's apparently unsolvable crunch problems, and excellent 1980's zeitgeist (music, graphics, interiors, costumes, everything!). The sets are full of interesting details so that even as the viewer/participant ends up seeing the same clips several times, it does not get boring. The 10-second window for making the choice works really smoothly, the movie progresses quite naturally until the time to make the choice is over.

I hope they release statistics about which choices were the most/least popular. Kill/talk, meet the therapist/follow ultra-cool game guru etc. And how these choices compare with what people watch on Netflix. What I'd also like to know is, did Netflix make alternate, slightly different versions of Bandersnatch. Similar enough so that people think they have seen the same thing but with little differences of mood, cut, actors' expressions etc. So they can really test what drives wievers' decisions. There's so much data to be mined!

Prediction: In five years, premium tv streaming services allow the user to choose the lead actor/actress.