Here's what the world needs right now: a refreshingly optimistic but reasonably believable near-future story. There's such a thirst for such a story, I see people practically begging for it, asking for advice where to locate such a novel, and everyone pitching in "yeah that's what I want to find too, if you find it pls let me know".

It's so much easier to write dystopias, these days. Just imagining a happy future is a strenuous task. But we need it, a future of some sort, it does not even need to be an utopia, anything better than a dystopia or extinction will do.

The outline: Global warming under control, other environmental problems too, the world somehow not creaking under the weight of billions of people but without culling the population in some tragic and gruesome way, global equality AND all this through some plausible, passably scientific advances, not deus ex machina. Also, a gripping storyline and plenty of mind-blowing sense of wonder and preferably stylistically and mood-wise unlike anything written before, something fit for this age, something completely new.

Haha. Even half of that would be fine.

It seems to me, that it should have some very nasty, backstabbing, unpleasant people in it, to avoid the story becoming too sweet. That would make sense too: there's very little to share in a world where everyone has something, and humans don't overburden the Earth. Every crumb would be fought over, though not with weapons but politically and socially, and it would be bitter and always cause resentment. But humankind would live on, we'd live, other species would live, there would be tomorrows extending into forever.

Probably someone is writing this novel right now, i just have to wait for six months to a year for it to pop out of the printing machine. Thanks, whoever you are, mystery author, keep working, keep your spirits up, we are really looking forward to your book!